

(+34) 68 752 11 51

School Phone:

Teléfono Colegio:

(+34) 91 63 61 919

Welcome to Colegio Europeo de Madrid

Since 1989, our goal has been to develop the skills and abilities of our students in a personalised way, instilling in them a love for learning, curiosity, imagination and creativity.

By teaching students in a bilingual setting and a secure social and emotional environment, we pave the way for students to achieve their goals and overcome the challenges they set themselves.

We want our students to see the world as a place that is full of possibilities in which they can grow as a person and create value and well-being in society.

Meet our Headteacher

"Welcome to CEM, a proud member of the IB World community. At our school, we embrace the transformative impact of education and recognise the intrinsic value of each individual."

- Marta Pérez Ximénez de Embún, Headteacher

Leaders in Sustainability

Our mission is to radiate positivity throughout our community and cultivate an enriching learning environment.

★ Recognised as an Active Environmental Learning Center

★ School Reforestation Award: Granted by the Las Rozas City Council

Come and discover Colegio Europeo de Madrid

Where education meets the future

State-of-the-Art Facilities

Colegio Europeo de Madrid provides facilities adapted to the needs and educational model. Our campus features modern classrooms, specifically designed for each school stage, science laboratories, sports facilities, and various libraries.

At ESM, we create a conducive environment for comprehensive education, offering a wide variety of extracurricular activities. In addition to ensuring academic excellence, our learning environment ensures a complete educational experience for all students.

An Enriching Educational Journey

At Colegio Europeo de Madrid, excellence and personalised attention are intertwined in an enriching educational journey. We strive to enhance the uniqueness of each student by equipping them with the skills, knowledge and confidence to succeed in whatever field they choose.

We have more than 25 years of experience offering a comprehensive academic project from Infant to 2nd year of Bachillerato. Every year, the academic results show that our students are prepared to successfully navigate their further education and professional futures.

“I like the teachers, the affection towards the students, the stimulating environment, the variety in the educational offerings, the focus on values and skills, and the attitude of continuous improvement.”

– CEM Parent 2023

Exciting extra-curricular activities

As well as offering ballet and judo classes during the school day, CEM also offers a wide range of extra-curricular activities and after-class clubs, run by teachers or other professionals, from Monday to Friday.

An extensive range of activities is offered and the aim of the extra-curricular programme is to provide students with the necessary experience to help them achieve the educational goals they have been set.


Frequently asked questions about CEM

Colegio Europeo de Madrid offers a high quality education with a focus on academic excellence and the holistic development of students. Its bilingual programmes, modern facilities and personalised approach guarantee a holistic education that prepares students for the challenges of the 21st century.

Our international school in Madrid integrates a global curriculum with a focus on bilingualism and multiculturalism. Students have the opportunity to earn international certifications and participate in innovative programmes that promote creativity and critical thinking.

Colegio Europeo de Madrid offers International Baccalaureate (IB) programmes, including the Primary Years Programme (PYP) and preparation for official certifications such as Cambridge, DELF-DALF for French, and Goethe-Institut for German. CEM has acquired the status of a candidate school* for the MYP and aims to obtain authorization to become an IB World School. These are schools that share a common philosophy: a commitment to a rigorous and high-quality international education that Colegio Europeo de Madrid considers important for its students. *Only schools authorized by the IB Organization can offer any of its four academic programmes: the Primary Years Programme (PYP), the Middle Years Programme (MYP), the Diploma Programme (DP), or the Career-related Programme (CP). Candidate status does not guarantee that the school will be granted authorization.

Choosing a school in Las Rozas, such as Colegio Europeo de Madrid, offers the advantage of being in a privileged location, surrounded by nature and with easy access from different parts of the city. Las Rozas is known for being a quiet and safe area, ideal for the educational and personal development of children. In addition, the school has modern facilities and an innovative pedagogical approach that guarantees a quality education.

Colegio Europeo de Madrid offers an efficient transport service with routes covering Las Rozas and neighbouring municipalities such as Torrelodones and Majadahonda, guaranteeing a safe and punctual journey for students.

Follow CEM on Social Media
🎙️ Hoy es el Día Mundial de la Radio 🎧

En CEM, la comunicación es mucho más que hablar: es aprender a expresarse, argumentar y conectar con los demás. Nuestro taller de radio impulsa la creatividad, el pensamiento crítico y el trabajo en equipo, poniendo en manos de nuestros alumnos herramientas reales para comunicar con impacto.

Desde la mesa de mezclas hasta el micrófono, cada experiencia les ayuda a desarrollar habilidades clave para el futuro. ¡Porque comunicar es transformar! 
🎙️ Today is World Radio Day 🎧

At CEM, communication is much more than speaking—it’s about learning to express oneself, argue, and connect with others. Our radio workshop fosters creativity, critical thinking, and teamwork, equipping our students with real tools to communicate with impact.

From the mixing desk to the microphone, every experience helps them develop key skills for the future. Because to communicate is to transform! 

#DíaMundialDeLaRadio #RadioCEM #WorldRadioDay #SoyCEM
Hoy celebramos el Día Internacional de la Mujer y la Niña en la Ciencia, un día para reconocer el talento, la creatividad y la determinación de todas aquellas que desafían estereotipos y amplían los límites del conocimiento.

En CEM, inspiramos a nuestras alumnas a explorar, cuestionar y crear. Desde los primeros años, fomentamos la curiosidad científica a través de experiencias prácticas, experimentos y proyectos que despiertan su pasión por STEAM (Ciencia, Tecnología, Ingeniería, Arte y Matemáticas).

Porque cada niña que sueña con ser científica, ingeniera o programadora merece un espacio donde su talento brille. Hoy celebramos su futuro, porque sabemos que será extraordinario.
Today, we celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, a day to recognize the talent, creativity, and determination of those who challenge stereotypes and push the boundaries of knowledge.

At CEM, we inspire our students to explore, question, and create. From an early age, we nurture scientific curiosity through hands-on experiences, experiments, and projects that ignite their passion for STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics).

Because every girl who dreams of becoming a scientist, engineer, or programmer deserves a space where her talent can shine. Today, we celebrate their future—because we know it will be extraordinary.

#MujeresEnCiencia #NiñasSTEM #DíaDeLaMujerEnLaCiencia #CEM #CreerCrearCrecer
📢 ¡Familias CEM, vuestra voz cuenta!

Todavía estáis a tiempo de participar en la Encuesta Anual de Familias (VoP) 2025. Queremos escucharos, conocer vuestras ideas y seguir creciendo juntos. Vuestra opinión nos ayuda a mejorar cada día y a hacer de CEM el mejor lugar para nuestros alumnos.

¡No dejéis pasar la oportunidad! Si aún no habéis completado la encuesta, revisad vuestro correo y participad o contactad con nosotros por mensaje privado para hacérosla llegar. ¡Gracias por formar parte de nuestra comunidad! 💙

#SoyCEM #CreerCrearCrecer
🎓 ¡Así hemos vivido la Feria de Universidades y Centros de Estudio en CEM! 🎓
Nuestros estudiantes de 4º de ESO, 1º y 2º de han tenido la oportunidad de conocer más de 20 instituciones hoy, ampliando su visión sobre las diversas opciones para su futuro académico.

Una mañana llena de inspiración, recibiendo orientación sobre programas, becas y requisitos de admisión, lo que les ayudará a tomar decisiones informadas en su camino hacia la universidad.
Gracias a todas las universidades y centros asistentes, así como a nuestro equipo por la organización, por ayudar a nustros alumnos a explorar un mundo de posibilidades. 

#FeriaDeUniversidades #CEM #FuturoAcadémico #Educación #Universidad #OpcionesDeFuturo #SoyCEM
En CEM, celebramos experiencias que nos acercan a diferentes culturas. Una de nuestras tradiciones más especiales es el Año Nuevo Chino, que cada año llena el colegio de color y aprendizaje. 🏮🐉

Hoy ha sido un día lleno de actividades y sorpresas, como el dragón que ha recorrido los pasillos de Infantil o la visita de nuestros alumnos de Secundaria que estudian chino a los más pequeños. Han compartido su conocimiento sobre esta festividad y han creado juntos los tradicionales sobres de la suerte. Un momento de intercambio, diversión y conexión con el mundo. 🧧

¡Feliz Año Nuevo Chino! 新年快乐! 🎊 #CEM #SoyCEM #LasRozas
Estamos muy contentos de compartir que hemos sido reconocidos en el ranking de mejores colegios de @micoleoficial en las siguientes categorías:

🏆 Mejores colegios de España
📍 Mejores colegios de Madrid
🏫 Mejores colegios de Las Rozas

Este reconocimiento es un reflejo del esfuerzo y la dedicación de toda nuestra comunidad. En CEM apostamos por una educación innovadora como colegio del Mundo IB, multilingüe y de calidad, con un enfoque que combina el currículo español con una mentalidad internacional desde las primeras etapas.

¡Juntos seguimos avanzando hacia un futuro brillante para nuestros estudiantes! 🌟

#ColegioEuropeoDeMadrid #Micole #EducaciónInnovadora #LasRozas #BestSchoolsinSpain #MejoresColegios #ExcelenciaAcadémica

A unique learning experience

CEM is a nurturing environment with caring educators, engaging in personalised learning.


0 - 6 years old


6 - 12 years old


12 - 16 years old


16 - 18 years old

Download our Prospectus

To download a copy of our Prospectus, please share some basic information below.

Colegio Europeo de Madrid

Admissions :(+34) 68 752 11 51
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